Office Politics is not Good for the Workplace!! What you can do to reduce it!
If your workday consists of silent agendas, cliques, undermining, favoritism, rumors, gossip, blame, or people withholding information your workplace is probably dealing with office politics.
Why Working from Home Could Be a Good Thing
Our workplaces are constantly changing and so is the way we do our work. Amidst the pandemic, many employees and organizations have had the opportunity to discover that working from home could be a viable option for the future.
The Great Customer Resignation is real! 5 Steps to combat it!
Overpromising and underdelivering is the current customer experience around the world right now. No matter the industry, the product or the service, the customer experience is less than favorable. According to Gallup, when customers are actively disengaged and don’t believe you deliver on your promises, the result is a 19% decline in business outcomes, on average.
What happens when you practice Gratitude!
Gratitude involves giving recognition to the positive things in your life and how they affect you. Practicing gratitude can help you feel more positive emotions, enjoy good experiences, improve your health, deal with adversity, and build strong relationships.
4 Reasons why Experiences make the best Gifts!
In a world where physical items are abundant and easily accessible the challenge is to to find a gift that is personal, unique and suitable. Experiential gifts are more effective and have been proven to improve our relationships and provide excitement and something to look forward to.
4 Strategies to Increase Employee Performance
The need for leaders to focus on the employee to ensure they are able to perform well in their job is more important than ever. Today’s workplaces require employees to be flexible, adaptable, agile while being productive.
Is working from home an option?
The crisis that is evolving from the Covid-19 pandemic is having an impact on where and how you and your employees will work.
4 Easy Ways to Achieve Personal and Professional Success
If you are struggling to find your way through this new reality, you are not alone. People are struggling to navigate and readjust to this new world as it is.
This is a perfect opportunity to reinvent, reinvest and reengage yourself into life, career and the world to achieve success..
5 Ways to Take Control!
These are uncertain times and there is little control as people around the world work to get control of this pandemic. While the medical teams are working to harness the Covid-19 virus, it is important that we as leaders of ourselves and others take control of what we can control.