4 Best Ways To Manage Employee Absenteeism During Covid-19

One of the most frustrating situations for managers is to maintain productivity when employees aren’t coming to work.  The pressures of life can impact absenteeism rates in any organization at any time.  This is especially true as we navigate through this Covid-19 pandemic. 

No matter how great an employee is at their job, when they are not at work, they are not productive.  #wendyism

If they aren’t are work they aren’t there to do the work. The customers or clients aren’t being taken care of and productivity takes a hit.

Covid-19 is causing a bigger impact on absenteeism

As Covid-19 causes a bigger impact on absenteeism for organizations, it is more important than ever that organizations ensure their attendance policies are relevant and applicable.  Having managers and supervisors trained on these policies and how to approach absenteeism appropriately and effectively can go along way to easing the burden. 

Managing employee absenteeism

1. Review the organization absenteeism policy to ensure it is current and relevant

  • Does it define what an absence & tardiness is

  • Does your policy have simple to understand language that clearly defines expectations

  • Does it clarify the difference between approved and unapproved absences

Is requirements for approved absences (what documentation may be required) outlined

Is the procedure outlined for employees to follow when they are unable to come into work

Does it describe the disciplinary actions for unapproved absences

2. Educate all managers and supervisors on the policies and procedures to approach absenteeism

               What the policies and procedures are and why they are important

               How to approach employees and address concerns with dignity and respect

               Setting expectations and requirements for returning to work

3.  Communicate organization expectations of attendance and absenteeism requirements to all employees

               Set expectations around “No call, no show” absences and how they will be addressed accordingly to the policy

Consider alternate solutions to accommodate to meet needs of employees and organization

  • working from home

  • schedule adjustments

  • temporary medical leave of absence

               Discuss return to work expectations and procedure. 

  • What will be the return date

  • Will a doctors note, for clear to return to work be required

  • Will the return to work be modified or full duties

4.  Enforce the absenteeism policy

                All managers and supervisors should be help accountable to enforce the policy consistently

                Unapproved absences should be dealt with immediately and swiftly

                All absences should be documented and tracked to maintain accurate records

                Be specific and factual.  Focus on the facts not on emotions, assumptions or opinions

                Ensure appropriate disciplinary action is consistent with the organizations policies and procedures

The pressure from unpredictable employee attendance is ever increasing with the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic. For managers and supervisors to maintain effective productivity during these challenges it is imperative they understand and manage with the organizations policies and procedures.

Wendy Hofford

Over 15 years specializing in CliftonStrengths, Leadership development and Human Resources, I work with individuals and organizations to develop strategies and tactics to help them lead themselves and others better. Working as a consultant, trainer and coach with organizations in numerous industries, from solopreneur to large corporations, and leaders from the front line to senior executives, I bring experience, expertise, engagement and strategies to help strengthen individuals and in turn strengthen organizations.


Is working from home an option? 


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