6 Ways to getting your PASSION back!

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As I look back over my years, I remember times, when I would get off course and would be caught up in the daily drudge of life. How do you know when you are at that place?

I wasn’t laughing or excited!

For me, I wasn't laughing or excited about anything. I was tired, unmotivated, nothing really inspired me, didn't know what I wanted or where to even begin looking. If this sounds familiar or if you have been there, I am sure you can identify with these feeling and thoughts. These could be signs you have fallen off course from your passion.

According to Brian Schwartz (author of the award-winning 50 Interviews series) points out, it's important to remember that passion requires fuel to grow and one of the best ways to get that fuel is to share it with others.

"Just like a plant needs water, your passion needs to be nurtured a little bit every day in order for it to grow to the point where it becomes obvious to you and the rest of the world," Brian Schwartz.

Now we have identified what it looks like when we find ourselves off course from our passion.

So what do we do about it?

6 steps that to help you work your way back to uncovering your passion.


1.  Take a hard look at how you are feeling, thinking and behaving.  

If I asked YOU this question: What are you most passionate about, can you answer it in less than 30 seconds? (and NO it can't be a generic statement, like, I am passionate at doing a great job at work, that my friend is not a passion (you get paid to do a great job). Your passion is about what you bring to this world! If it takes you longer than 30 seconds to answer, I suggest you work your way through the next 5 steps, and hopefully when you are done, you can come back to this question and get the answer in LESS than 30 seconds.

Action Step: So again here is your question:

What are you most passionate about? Take 30 seconds to answer.


2. Take stock of where your natural talents lie.

Now, I don't mean, what are you good at work or as a parent or spouse. I mean, what natural talents to do you have that you YEARN to use. These are things, you may not think you are good at, but you love to do. People notice and comment on them, you may just shrug it off, but you still love to do it. (hint: if this is the case, your talents are hidden in there somewhere).

Remember this is your life, no one else's, so your answer doesn't have to make sense or be a common one, it has to be right for you.

Action step: For clarity, your question is: What natural talents do I YEARN to use?

3. What thoughts do you have about others?Are they negative at times?

Pay close attention to what the thoughts are and what they are about. Many times when we stop to take a look at what bothers us, it turns out is that is more about us and not about them. The fact that we aren't enjoying what we are passionate about can cause us to become envious, jealous and critical without even realizing it, about others that are following their passion.

Action step: Next time you find yourself frustrated, feeling jealous or negative about someone else, take the time to stop and truly take an honest look at the WHY. Why do you feel that way and does it have anything to do with how you are feeling about yourself more than about them?

4. Make a list of the things that you have done over the years that come easy and leaves you smiling and wondering where the time went.

Once you have the list, review it and deep dive into what was going on at those times that left you happy and enjoying the time spent. Those are clues to our passion and talents.

Action step: Make your list! What used to make you smile and make the time fly by?

5. What does fun look like to you?

What did it look like to you over the years? Take time to think back over the years since you were a child, what were things you loved to do? Make your list! There may be clues to happiness in the list.

Action Step: One more list: Make a list of all the things you have loved to do over the years that you would consider fun. Take the time to review the list and dig deep into find any clues to find your passion.

6. What are the obstacles that stand in the way of you achieving your passion?

Many times we try to push our way through them, leaving us feeling defeated and depleted from the energy wasted with no results. The journey to getting passion back into our lives has more with working with where we are and what we have to work with. Write down all of the obstacles and excuses you can think off that keep getting in the way of gaining your passion back. Once you have the list, start looking for ways to work around the obstacles, rather than trying to push them out of the way.

Working around obstacles helps us get creative and we may end having more fun than we thought.

Action Step: Write down all of the obstacles & excused that are in your way. Review your list, start thinking of ways to work around the obstacles. Example: Life is too busy, I am always running here and there with the kids. Is there time when they are sleeping or with friends that you can take even 30 minutes to do something that can help rekindle the joy found finding the things you are passionate about.


If you don't make yourself a priority, why would anyone else!

You can't give what you don't have!

Find the passion you used to have, it may look a bit different now, but it is there.

Seek it out, nurture it, nurture yourself!

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If you are someone who would do anything to avoid having that tough conversation, you are not alone.  These types of conversations can leave you feeling uncomfortable, anxious and with the overwhelming feeling of dread. 

To gain strategies, tools and templates to increase your skills and confidence in this area, grab my new book, "Rip off the Bandaid! Have That Tough Conversation!  It is available on Amazon through this link: Amazon.ca or Amazon.com or the Ebook is available on my website.

If you don’t want to miss out on my blogs, video’s and other great surprises, subscribe to my newsletter! 

Connect with me at my website, www.wendyhofford.com

Wendy Hofford

Over 15 years specializing in CliftonStrengths, Leadership development and Human Resources, I work with individuals and organizations to develop strategies and tactics to help them lead themselves and others better. Working as a consultant, trainer and coach with organizations in numerous industries, from solopreneur to large corporations, and leaders from the front line to senior executives, I bring experience, expertise, engagement and strategies to help strengthen individuals and in turn strengthen organizations.


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