Workplace loneliness is a real thing!
5 Ways to combat this alarming trend for the benefit of employees and employers!
Health and wellness in the workplace is being impacted in many organizations due to increasing rise of loneliness.This trend is not only impacting the health and wellness of our employees it is also taking a huge hit on the productivity for employers and their organizations.
Employee loneliness leads to poor performance and team interaction
A study at the Academy of Management indicates the “importance of recognizing the power of workplace loneliness over both lonely employees and their organizations.” Researchers conclude that “employee loneliness leads to poor task performance, less approachable and lower team interaction, and less commitment to the organization”.According to 2018 research by the health insurer Cigna,46% of the population of the US feel lonely and 47% of the population feel left out. In Canada they found that one in four experience loneliness with many others going unnoticed as they suffer in silence.
Loneliness for employees can have major health and wellness implications
Studies show that lonely workers are unhealthy
The health consequences can include:
Greater risk of cardiovascular disease
Compromised immunity
Increased risk of depression
US general surgeon claims loneliness has the same health risks as smoking 15 cigarettes a day
How can this be happening??
We have all the gadgets and social media platforms to keep us connected in today's workplaces and yet loneliness is more prevalent than ever.There are a few factors at play, office design, technology and ability to do remote work causing fewer person to person interactions.
Open office design
A field study of two corporate headquarters transitioning to an open office space was examined. In this study they used digital data from advanced wearable devices and from electronic communication servers to monitor the effect of how the open office design would impact the employees’ face to face, email and instant messaging interaction patterns.Instead of increasing vibrant face-to-face collaboration, the open office space seemed to trigger employees to socially withdraw from coworkers and interact more via email and instant messaging. The volume of face to face interaction decreased by almost 70% and increased in electronic interaction.
Side effect of technology
Even though technology has helped people be more connected and social it is depriving them of real human interaction. More and more often, people are moving away from interacting with the people beside them, opting to be connected via their virtual connections.
Check out my blog, Working from home or remotely has its ups & downs! if you are considering it.According to, “The State of Remote Work 2018 Report” the number one biggest struggle is loneliness.
What employers can do
1. Encourage employees to be aware of signs:
Excessive absenteeism
Withdrawal from others in the workplace
Restlessness and always tired
Appear overly stress or high anxiety
Limited engagement
Low attention to detail and inability to focus
Short tempered, Irritable
Low productivity
If this is an issue, encourage employees to use Employee Assistance Programs or seek out community mental health programs for help and guidance.
2. Work to be inclusive and encourage more interaction collaboration among employees.
Make sure remote or field workers are included in meetings, decisions and communications. Arrange to have workers join the meeting remotely via video or conference call.Develop programs for mentoring, social events, group volunteer events, or other activities that can bring employees together and get to know each other better.
3. Rethink the office design
Create spaces, where workers are encouraged to brainstorm together, connect and collaborate.Provide areas where workers can focus, rejuvenate and collaborate in a quiet area.
What employees can do
4. Step away from technology and make a human connection
Start by putting your phone down and stepping away from your computer. Try to build your connection with the people you work with. Get to know those that work in the same building as you
Be intentional to participant in social events at work. Even if you don’t want to join the team or do the activity, join in and cheer everyone else on. Just being there can help you to become part of the bigger group.Be intentional to become actively engaged in activities or being part of organizing volunteer or social events.
5. Seek out help and support
Don’t suffer in silence. You are not alone, and you don’t have to feel alone.If your organization has an employee assistance program (EAP), take advantage of it. It is confidential and a great resource to help you work through the loneliness.If your organization doesn’t have an EAP program, your community should have mental wellness support programs. Take control, check it out and work to heal.If you have done all of this and still don’t feel like you belong and feel isolated, maybe this isn’t the environment for you.Maybe there is something better somewhere else. Start looking for a different place to work and move on, where you can thrive and be part of something better.
Join me for my next blog, 5 Steps to Tackle Tough Conversations
If you are someone who would do anything to avoid having that tough conversation, you are not alone. These types of conversations can leave you feeling uncomfortable, anxious and with the overwhelming feeling of dread.
Check out my next blog where I share 5 steps that can help you be confident and prepared to have that conversation.If you want to learn more about this subject and gain strategies, tools and templates to increase your skills and confidence in this area, grab my new book, "Rip off the Bandaid! Have That Tough Conversation! It is available on Amazon through this link: or or the Ebook is available on my website.
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