Why pick ONE WORD for the Year?

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At the beginning of a New Year, are you a goal setter, a resolution maker or someone who will wait and see where life takes you?  There is no right or wrong answer to my question.  Because there is nothing wrong with any of these practices as long as it works for you!If you are a goal setter or resolution maker, you fall into the 3 in 10 (31%) Canadians who are, according to IPSOS research.Yea for those of you that can make the goal or the resolution stick and are successful at conquering it.  You are part of 27% (of those that make a resolution) and always keep their resolutions.According to theIPSOS research, that leaves 73% of people that will eventually break them.

Interesting statistics taken from this research is:

Among the three quarters who break their resolutions, half keep them for a while (51%), two in ten (16%) keep them for a short time, and 6% break their resolutions almost as soon as they make them. Among Canadians who do not make New Year’s resolutions, most mention that they see resolutions as more of a novelty/tradition than a serious commitment (28%). Others do not make them because they set goals for themselves throughout the year (27%), followed by lack of will power (15%), don’t think resolutions are important (14%), never stick to them anyway (10%), or give other reasons (6%).

My success at this (or not)!

I have tried making my goal list for the New Year but failed to stick to it.  I have also tried coming up with creative resolutions, this didn't work either.  Even tried turning it into a game to see how long I could hang on, but to no avail, I did not succeed.  There was no success.  Actually if I am being honest, I fall into the 80% that fail by February.  This statistic comes from the U.S. News & World Report.

One Word Magic

A few years back I decided to make a change and pick one word for the year and focus on that "One Word".  This concept has been around for awhile and I thought why not give it a try. 

Basically it works like this:

Pick one word for the year that you can use to align your personal and professional life to that will help you move forward in a positive light. (There is a bit more to it and I will share that later in this article).The words I have used over the years are "Inspire, Lead, Invest, Intentional, and my new word for this year is "RELATIONSHIPS".  Just like magic every year, I have been moving forward in a positive direction in all areas of my life.

What will be your ONE WORD for the Year? #onewordmagic #wendyism

Where is the Magic?

The word in itself is not the magic! It begins to take hold once you start working on determining your word. This action causes you to start thinking of your values, how you want to show up in the world and the positive changes you want to see in your life. Once you pick your word for the year it helps you become focused and intentional around the action steps to take and aligning what you do with your word. Determining your word, deciding how you want to shape your life around that one word, helps give you clarity and provides a "Sign Post" to guide you throughout your year.The MAGIC happens when you start to see how things come together and that you have been able to move forward with focus and intention.

Use a few tricks!

  1. Make sure you have your word front and center for you to see and be reminded of it.

  2. Make sure you are clear and understand your WHY. Knowing why this word is important to you will help you determine your WHAT and HOW. WHAT areas of your life you want to focus on with your one word and HOW you will take action steps to be intentional with it.

The "ONE WORD" serves as a reminder not a goal. The reminder of how you want to show up in your life throughout the year.

How to start your own "ONE WORD MAGIC"


  1. When you pick "One Word for the year" remember that you want to use it throughout the year in your life to maintain your focus and intention.

Example, My word for 2020 is "RELATIONSHIP".  My focus and intention will be built around, building better relationships with my family, friends, clients, community and myself

2.  Make a poster, use an index card, or write it on a whiteboard. No matter what you do, write it down somewhere, where you will see it everyday.3.  When you have decisions to make, reflect back on your word to determine how it may impact your decisions for the better.4.  Don't be scared to share your word with your family, friends and the world.

Because my word is "RELATIONSHIPS"

I want to make my relationship with you better by offering you a


WORD FOR THE YEAR Action Sheet Download Link

This action sheet explains how this process works along with thought provoking questions to help you determine your "ONE WORD" and what to do with it after.I have also created for you a "WORD OF THE YEAR Poster Template".  It is a downloadable PDF, so all you have to do is type in your "ONE WORD", print it off or save it as a screensaver and you are good to go.

I would love to see your "WORD OF THE YEAR"

Take a picture and post it on social media with the hashtag, #onewordmagic, you can find me:Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/WendyHoffordLeadershipConsulting/,LinkedIn at http://www.linkedin.com/in/wendyhofford,Twitter at @wendyhofford.com or Instagram  


If you are someone who would do anything to avoid having that tough conversation, you are not alone.  These types of conversations can leave you feeling uncomfortable, anxious and with the overwhelming feeling of dread. 

To gain strategies, tools and templates to increase your skills and confidence in this area, grab my new book, "Rip off the Bandaid! Have That Tough Conversation!  It is available on Amazon through this link: Amazon.ca or Amazon.com or the Ebook is available on my website.

If you don’t want to miss out on my blogs, video’s and other great surprises, subscribe to my newsletter! 

Connect with me at my website, www.wendyhofford.com

Wendy Hofford

Over 15 years specializing in CliftonStrengths, Leadership development and Human Resources, I work with individuals and organizations to develop strategies and tactics to help them lead themselves and others better. Working as a consultant, trainer and coach with organizations in numerous industries, from solopreneur to large corporations, and leaders from the front line to senior executives, I bring experience, expertise, engagement and strategies to help strengthen individuals and in turn strengthen organizations.


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