People with dominant Executing themes like Achiever make things happen.
Those with this talent are all about drive and stamina. Achiever has the yearning for the constant need for achievement. Starting at the beginning of the day to the end of the day something completed and the sense of achievement brings the feeling of satisfaction. This drive and stamina is not picky about the day, every day of the week qualifies.
People with dominant Executing themes like Arranger make things happen.
Much like a conductor those with this talent are able to face complex situations involving many factors, enjoying managing all of the variables, aligning and realigning them until they are arranged in the most productive configuration possible. Flexibility is all about being effective no matter if it is mundane or complex while looking for the perfect configuration.
People with dominant Influencing themes like Competition take charge, speak up and make sure others are heard.
Those with this talent of competition are rooted in comparison. When they look at the world, they are instinctively aware of other people's performance. Their performance is the ultimate yardstick.
No matter how hard they try, no matter how worthy the intentions, if they reached their goal but did not outperform their peers, the achievement may feel hollow. There is a strong need to compare. If there is comparison, then there is competition, and if you can compete, you can win. And when you win, there is no feeling quite like it for those with this talent.
People with dominant Executing themes like Deliberative make things happen.
Those with this talent are careful and vigilant. Being a private person who is fairly serious and are someone who approaches life with a certain reserve. The world is an unpredictable place and there are risks to be aware of. Rather than denying these risks, those with this talent draw each one out into the open. Then each risk can be identified, assessed, and ultimately reduced. Seeing life is not a popularity contest but more like a minefield with risks everywhere that need to be identified and walked through with care and deliberate moves.
People with dominant Strategic Thinking themes like Futuristic absorb and analyze information that informs better decisions.
Those with this talent loves to peer over the horizon. The future is fascinating. Having the ability to see in detail what the future might hold. The ability to have visions of the future brings energy, hope and inspiration to those involved. Because of the focus on the future, others are motivated to seek out those with this talent to be their sounding board or a source of advice. Helping others not only visualize their dreams but see a way toward accomplishing them.
People with dominant Relationship Building themes like Individualization build strong relationships.
Those with this talent are focused on the differences between individuals.
Instinctively observing each person's style, each person's motivation, how each thinks, and how each builds relationships. Picking just the right gifts for close friends and family, knowing that one person prefers praise in public and another detests it. As a keen observer of other people's strengths, drawing out the best in each person is part of this talent.
People with dominant Influencing themes like Maximizer take charge, speak up and make sure others are heard.
Those with this talent have the ability to see talents in others and loves to help them work towards their potential. They appreciate when they are able to transform something from average to excellence.
This talent is committed to excellence and works hard to achieve the highest quality in everything they do.
Because this talent sees the potential in others, they are able to help them see the best in themselves and inspire them to achieve their goals.
People with dominant Executing themes like Restorative make things happen.
Those with this talent loves to solve problems and fix things. They have the ability to look at a situation or problem, determine the underlying factor, knows what it might take to remove it and restore things to where they should be.
This talent has the unique ability to see past the surface level and dig into the root causes for solutions. Driven to troubleshoot and continuous improvement processes is how this talent takes things to the next level.
People with dominant Influencing themes like Woo take charge, speak up and make sure others are heard.
Those with this talent love to win others over. They enjoy the challenge of meeting new people and getting to know them. Strangers are friends they haven’t met yet.
Drawing energy from meeting new people, starting conversations and building rapport is a trait of this talent.
Rarely at a loss for words and has the ability to break the ice and start up a conversation with virtually anyone.
People with dominant Influencing themes like Activator take charge, speak up and make sure others are heard.
Those with this talent often find themselves impatient for action. Believing that debates and discussions have their place but only action can make things happen. Learning by taking action and doing is the best way to go. The only way to keep fresh and informed is to keep moving, put yourself out there and take the next step.
People with dominant Executing themes like Belief make things happen.
Those with the strong belief theme have certain core values that are enduring. These values vary from one person to another, but ordinarily the Belief theme are family-oriented, altruistic, even spiritual, and value responsibility and high ethics in self and others. Work needs to align with values and must be meaningful and matter.
People with dominant Relationship Building themes like Connectedness build strong relationships.
Those with this talent believe things happen for a reason. Belief is that we are all connected and that we are individuals, responsible for our own judgments and in possession of our own free will, but nonetheless, we are part of something larger.
Some may call it the collective unconscious. Others may label it spirit or life force. This talent is a bridge builder of people and someone who sees patterns and relationships where others only see chaos and confusion. Having the ability to see the big picture is a helpful way to help others see things from a long term perspective.
People with dominant Executing themes like Discipline make things happen.
Those with this talent needs a world that is predictable. It needs to be ordered and planned. So imposing structure, setting up routines and focusing on timelines and deadlines on their world adds to precision and order.
Having the natural inclination to focus on the fine points and create structure enables the ability to approach tasks in an orderly and well-planned manner.
People with dominant Relationship Building themes like Harmony build strong relationships.
Those with this talent seek for areas of agreement. Believing there is little to be gained from conflict and friction. Always looking to find the common ground with others striving to steer them away from confrontation and toward harmony.
People with dominant Strategic Thinking themes like Input absorb and analyze information that informs better decisions.
Those with this talent are inquisitive and collector of things or information. Reading may not be necessary to refine theories but, rather, to add more information to the archives of the mind. Not knowing when something might be needed there is no comfort in throwing anything away.
Acquiring, compiling and filing stuff away because perhaps one day some of it will prove valuable.
People with dominant Relationship Building themes like Positivity build strong relationships.
Those with this talent enjoys praising others and helping them the positive side of things. They bring enthusiasm and an energy that lifts the spirits of others.
They are someone who is optimistic, fun-loving and light hearted. People feel better when those with this talent are around.
The natural enthusiasm this talent brings inspires others to look for possibilities and solutions.
People with dominant Influencing themes like Self-Assurance take charge, speak up and make sure others are heard.
Those with this talent are confident in their ability to take on new challenges, risks or to set outside their comfort zone. They have an inner sense of certainty that helps guide their decisions and direction.
When working with others they are able to instill confidence in others.
This talent has confidence in their own judgement and decision making. Driven to hold themselves accountable to the decisions they make and the risks they take.
People with dominant Relationship themes like Adaptability build strong relationships.
Those with the talent of adaptability live in the moment. Believing that the future is not a fixed destination, rather a place that is created out of the choices that are made right now. The future is discovered one choice at a time. At the heart, those with adaptability are very flexible and can stay productive when the demands of work are pulling them in many different directions at once.
People with dominant Influencing themes like Command take charge, speak up and make sure others are heard.
Those with command have no issue taking charge. Having little to no discomfort with imposing views on others while being compelled to present the facts or the truth no matter how unpleasant it may be is part of this talent. People are drawn to the presence and the strength it carries.
People with dominant Strategic Thinking themes like Context absorb and analyze information that informs better decisions.
Those with this talent appreciate looking back. This helps them to understand where the answers lie and also helps to understand more about the present. Many with this talent enjoy learning about history and studying the past. Looking back in time offers the opportunity to study patterns and decisions made in the past and how it impacted the outcome and the people. The lessons learned then can help reshape and influence the way plans are made for the future.
People with dominant Relationship Building themes like Empathy build strong relationships
Those with this talent can sense the emotions of others. They feel those feelings as though they were their own. Being able to intuitively pick up on nonverbal, subtle emotional cues that others give out is the talent of bringing emotional intelligence to the surface. People with high empathy can often tell how others are feeling even before they know it themselves. They bring caring, concern and understanding making others feel valued, respected and appreciated.
People with dominant Strategic Thinking themes like Ideation absorb and analyze information that informs better decisions.
Those with this talent are fascinated by ideas. Making connections from one thought to another and intrigued when seemingly disparate phenomena can be linked by an obscure connection. An idea is a new perspective on familiar challenges. This talent has the ability to think outside the box and enjoying a jolt of energy whenever a new idea occurs.
People with dominant Strategic Thinking themes like Intellection absorb and analyze information that informs better decisions.
Those with this talent like to think and enjoys mental activity. Although there is a lot of thinking, there may not be much focus. This theme simply enjoys the art of thinking although not so much on anything in particular. Most people with this talent enjoys their time alone and being introspective.
Not a lover of small talk but does enjoy intellectual discussions.
People with dominant Relationship Building themes like Relator build strong relationships.
Those with this talent appreciate relationships with those they know, like and trust. Although they do not shy away from meeting new people, they find more pleasure in spending time with close friends or family.
This talent values relationships that are genuine and authentic.
Being truly authentic, others are naturally drawn to them as they see them as someone who is trustworthy.
People with dominant Influencing themes like Significance take charge, speak up and make sure others are heard.
Those with this talent appreciate being seen for their worth and the value they bring. They work hard to be recognized as a valuable resource and for the unique strengths and qualities they bring.
As an independent spirit, they enjoy having free rein and autonomy as to the way things get done for them. Driven to achieve goals, qualifications or any other achievements that help them to be seen as credible, professional and successful.
This talent is drawn to working hard to make a difference and making a significant impact in this world.
People with dominant Strategic Thinking themes like Analytical absorb and analyze information that informs better decisions.
Those with the Analytical theme challenges other people to "Prove it. Not to disagree with their ideas but to ensure their theories are sound. Being objective and dispassionate, enables the ability to analyze the data searching for patterns and connections. Rigorous and logical, working to peel back the layers looking for the root cause or for the cause to be revealed.
People with dominant Influencing themes like Communication take charge, speak up and make sure others are heard.
Those with this talent turn events into stories and practice telling them. They take the dry idea and enliven it with images and examples and metaphors. Believing that most people have a short attention span, it is important that the message, idea or event comes alive so it is remembered and survived.
People with dominant Executing themes like Consistency make things happen.
Those with this talent know that balance is important to them. Being keenly aware of the need to treat people the same, no matter what their station in life, they are careful to see that the scales aren’t tipped too far in any one person's favor. The best environment for those with consistency is one where they can function in a consistent environment where the rules are clear and applied to everyone equally.
Predictable, evenhanded and fair is the best place to thrive and be at their best and where they can show their worth.
People with dominant Executing themes like Focus make things happen.
Those with focus can take a direction, follow through and make the corrections necessary to stay on track. They have the ability to prioritize and then take action. Having clarity of vision, prioritization and elimination of distractions helps produce work of high performance in work and life. Getting a lot accomplished is important but also making conscious decisions about which tasks to undertake and then choosing only those tasks that will enable the desired end result are worth considering.
People with dominant Relationship Building themes like Includer build strong relationships.
Those with this talent want to include people and make them feel part of the group. They hate the sight of someone on the outside looking in, wanting to draw them in so that they can feel the welcoming of the group. being able to build relationships with literally anyone with the “invisible people” and people, especially with those who others ignore.
People with dominant Strategic Thinking themes like Learner absorb and analyze information that informs better decisions.
Those with this talent love to learn. The subject matter of interest will be determined by experiences and the process of learning.
The process, more than the content or the result, is especially exciting. Energized by the steady and deliberate journey from ignorance to competence, the thrill of the first few facts, the early efforts to recite or practice what has been learned, the growing confidence of a skill mastered -- this is the process that entices those with the learner talent.
People with dominant Executing themes like Responsibility make things happen.
Those with this talent have a psychological ownership to the things they commit themselves to. They have a strong emotional bond that holds them to follow thru and finish what they agreed to take on to completion.
This talent is conscientious, dependable, and determined to do things right.
When working with others, this talent fosters a deep sense of trust and loyalty, forming strong and lasting relationships.
People with dominant Strategic Thinking themes like Strategic absorb and analyze information that informs better decisions.
Those with this talent enjoys solving problems and evaluating the potential obstacles and how to work around them. They bring creative anticipation, imagination, and persistence to the projects they work on. Having the ability to determine the best route to follow for quality and efficiency.
This talent is mindful of patterns and trends, playing out various scenarios, which helps them determine the best course of action.